Introduction to Headless Drupal and Next.js
Headless CMS

In the ever-evolving world of web development, the need for flexibility, scalability, and enhanced user experiences has led to the rise of decoupled or "headless" architectures. One such powerful combination that has been gaining traction is Headless Drupal and Next.js. In this blog post, we'll dive deep into what Headless Drupal is, how to set it up, and how to seamlessly integrate it with Next.js.

What is Headless Drupal?

Traditionally, Drupal has been known as a monolithic CMS, where the front-end (what the user sees) and the back-end (where the content is managed) are tightly coupled together. However, in a headless or decoupled setup, these two layers are separated.


Headless Drupal refers to using Drupal solely as a back-end content repository, without its front-end layer. Instead, the front-end is handled by another technology, allowing developers to use any technology they prefer to render the front-end, be it a web app, mobile app, or any other consumer of data.

Benefits of Headless Drupal:

  1. Flexibility:
    In a traditional Drupal setup, developers are bound to the theming and presentation layers provided by Drupal. With Headless Drupal, developers can choose any front-end technology, framework, or library that best fits their project's needs. This means they can leverage the latest advancements in front-end development without waiting for Drupal to catch up.
  2. Omnichannel Publishing:
    One of the standout features of Headless Drupal is its ability to serve as a centralized content repository. Content creators can input data once, and it can be consumed and displayed across multiple platforms, be it web, mobile apps, IoT devices, or even AR/VR platforms. This ensures consistency and reduces the effort required to manage content across various platforms.
  3. Enhanced User Experiences:
    By decoupling the front-end, developers can create highly interactive and dynamic user interfaces. They can leverage modern front-end tools and techniques, leading to faster page loads, smoother animations, and overall a more engaging user experience.

Setting Up Headless Drupal:

Install Drupal:
Begin with a fresh installation of Drupal. While you can use any distribution, the standard one is recommended for those new to the headless approach.

Enable JSON:API Module:
The JSON:API module is crucial for a headless setup. It provides a standardized interface through which your front-end application can communicate with Drupal. While it's included in the core, it's not enabled by default. Navigate to the Extend section in your Drupal admin dashboard and enable the JSON:API module.

Configure Permissions:
Security is paramount. Ensure that you've set up permissions correctly to prevent unauthorized access to your content. Navigate to the People > Permissions section and grant access to roles that should have the ability to fetch content via the API.

Introduction to Next.js and Its Setup:

  1. Installation:
    Next.js provides a streamlined setup process. Use the Create Next App tool to initiate a new application. Simply run the following command in your terminal:

    install next js
  2. Directory Structure:
    Understanding the directory structure is crucial for a smooth development experience. Here's a brief overview:
    • pages: This directory is where you'll place all your route components. Each file corresponds to a route on your website.
    • public: For static assets like images, fonts, and other files that don't need processing.
    • styles: A place for global styles. Next.js supports CSS Modules out of the box, allowing for scoped and modular styling.
  3. API Routes:
    Next.js offers a feature called API routes, which lets you build your API endpoints within the Next.js app. This can be useful for proxying external APIs or building small back-end functionalities.


The combination of Headless Drupal and Next.js offers a powerful, flexible solution for building modern web applications. By decoupling the back-end and front-end, developers can leverage the best of both worlds: the robust content management capabilities of Drupal and the high-performance, modern web development features of Next.js. Whether you're looking to build a single-page application, a progressive web app, or a full-fledged web platform, this duo is worth considering for your next project.

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